Best Practices
We are pleased to feature:
Bethel AME Church • Tallahassee, FL
Under the leadership of:
Rev. Dr. Julius McAlister, Jr. & Deana Young McAlister
Bethel AME College and Youth Ministry in action!
College & Young Adult Ministry
Tools and Steps
Place an importance on the fellowship and social gathering of the ministry
- Plan Game Night Fellowships where young adults participate in the food and game preparation and fellowship components of the event.
- Provide movie nights where the ministry can watch and discuss films from both cultural and religious contexts.
- Offer a weekly meal for the college students on Sundays after church for food and fellowship.
Foster an engaging and relevant Church School class
- Provide a complimentary breakfast that can be served to all members.
- Execute church school at off-campus sites such as Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, or another breakfast or coffee place.
Create opportunities to participate in worship particularly for college students and young adults
- Offer a College Choir under the direction of an up-and-coming director with a rehearsal schedule that is accommodating for young adults.
- Create opportunities for college students to serve in leadership positions in worship such as liturgists or speakers.
- Have a College Student Usher Board that serves regularly in worship on select Sundays.
Offer a special Bible Study class for young adults that takes into account their schedules and addresses their needs
- Meet on alternate evenings such as Tuesdays or Thursdays in accordance with college course schedules.
- Meet at off-campus locations for dinners that combine a study God’s word with food and fellowship.
Allow the college students and young adults to lead the ministry
- Allow the college students the ability to lead in the ministry serving as chairpersons and officers.
- Cultivate college students that will serve as mentors to the younger YPDers.
- Community Engagement
- Provide and support opportunities for outreach and ministry with which the college students and young adults can engage such as visiting the sick and shut in members of the church or serving in food banks.
- Encourage the ministry to collaborate with other existing organizations in the community.
- For example, have the ministry lead the congregations in “getting out the vote” initiatives through dedicated Sunday for voter registration and community outreach programs.
For a more detailed description of Bethel’s College and Young Adult Ministry, Click Here.
Bethel AME Video
Feeding over 4,000
Bethel, Tallahassee, in an attempt to bridge the nutritional divide, feeds over 4,000 children each and every day during the summer. For many of these children, it is their only opportunity to have a meal during the course of the day. There are 30 sites, most of which are in areas affected by hunger.
Vacation Bible School
Pastor McAlister’s very effective directors of their Vacation Bible School offer an exciting program to over 200 children using curriculum furnished by the AME Sunday School Union.
Souls to the Polls
Bishop Adam Jefferson Richardson and Mrs. Connie Speight Richardson joined Pastor McAlister in leading the congregation to get out the vote in Leon County. Because of their tenacious efforts, Tallahassee led the state in voter turnout.